Get ready for a beach holiday


Two weeks to go before my Thai holiday. Time to get ready to partay!!! Two weeks is generally the time I need to get everything ready and organised. Below is a list of things I’ll do before going on my beach ‘vacay’:

– Book your waxing appointment

For obvious reasons. I try to get all my waxing done a day before leaving, just to allow enough time for the soreness and redness to fade. If you do your waxing too early, chances are you’ll be hairy by the end of your holiday. Not cool.
I usually get my waxing done at Leah’s Waxworks. But it doesn’t matter where you go because at the end of the day, they’re all mean ladies, inflicting pain onto others for a living!
And yes, the process isn’t very glamourous, to say the least!


– Clean and perfectly shaped eyebrows

I don’t know about you, but my skin goes craycray when I’m on a holidays. I’m not sure if it’s the humidity, the pollution, the sun, not sure! But all I can say is that it’s not pretty. So to compensate, I try to make sure everything else (other than the skin covering my entire face) on my face looks perfect. Clean eyebrows is the way to go, so that when you show your holiday photos to your friends, they’ll focus on your perfectly shaped eyebrows rather than on your bad skin. That’s what I like to think anyway.
I like to get my eyebrows done at the Myer’s Benefit Brow Bar in the city. They do a great job every single time.


– Full body scrub

Nothing screams holiday like a nice tan. If you want your tan to last longer, make sure you scrub your face and body two days before you go on your trip. If you scrub one day before, your skin might be too directly ‘exposed’ to the sun which can cause more damage instead of giving you a glowing tan. My favourite body scrub is the Garnier BodyTonic Sugar Scrub and for my face I use MD Formulations Face&Body Scrub.

garnier MD

– Pedicure

I would usually focus more on a manicure rather than a pedicure, but when on a beach holiday, it’s the other way round. Beach holidays mean walking barefoot, wearing thongs and pretty sandals! You want to make sure your toes look pretty. Brightly coloured toe nails are always a winner for a sun-filled holiday.

Side note: Your hands are also exposed but if you get a manicure and do a lot of activities during your holiday, chances are your nails will chip very easily and you’ll end up looking scanky.

red nails pink nails

– Plan but be flexible!

Do your homework and check out what are the Top 10 things to see/do at your holiday destination. Familiarise yourself with the basics like transport system, whether you can get easy access to ATMs, where to eat, etc. You can find everything you need online. There are many travel blogs out there where you can get all the info you need. I’m also an avid user of TripAdvisor.

If I have 9 days to spend in Phuket, I would normally plan activities (from morning to night) for at least 7 days. I’m not the ‘lay-on-the-beach-and-sip-on-cocktails-all-day’ type of traveller. I like to plan to make sure I do as much as possible and make the most of my time at my holiday destination. But in saying that, I stay flexible…nobody wants to follow a rigid schedule when they’re on holidays!


Mark my words! #Lifecrisis


Happiness is such a subjective term…it means different things to different people, at different stages of their lives.

When I was a kid, happiness meant having as many Barbie dolls as possible as well as the house, the kitchen, the car, the pony, everything Barbie was pure bliss! As I got a little older – early teenage years – happiness meant going to church every Sunday to see ‘The boy’ or going to house parties and having him invite me for a slow dance (Yes in Mauritius we have slow dances at house parties!). Then, when I was 19-22, happiness meant going clubbing with friends, binge drinking and going overboard on everything I enjoyed at the time.

But today, happiness has a whole different meaning – happiness can be found in the little things if only you take the time to open your heart to them and acknowledge how they make you feel. If you put your mind to it and pay enough attention, you will notice at least one thing that makes you happy every single day.

Ask anyone around you if they’re happy and listen to the answers. It’s a tough question and it really puts everything back into perspective. If you want to answer that question properly, you’ll be thinking long and hard about your life, your goals, what you want, what you have achieved and whether all those things really make you happy?

Few people will tell you they’re unhappy. But not being unhappy, doesn’t necessarily mean you are happy. Most people live life being complacent and settle in routine. We believe there is a certain order of things that society imposes upon us and to be happy, we need to tick off those stages in the right order – graduate from university, start a career, buy a car, own a house, get married, start a family, look after the kids and the family, etc etc. But do we take the time to stop and be truly happy? Or are we too busy chasing material possessions and life accomplishments?

Here’s my take on it. I came across a few (very few) truly happy people in my life. They aren’t rich, they don’t have an awesome career, they have no plans for the future, no ambitions (other than being happy), no savings, no house, no car, etc etc. What do they have then? A positive approach to life I’d love to adopt. I am in awe of these people. I mean I’m a true hardcore fan! Whenever I speak to them, I can’t help but wish I was more like them and less like my worry-head, planning-freak, control-freak self! But I can’t change who I am…unless I go on some meditation retreat in India for five years or something!

But will go as far as saying I’m unhappy?? I don’t think so. I am blessed in so many aspects of my life – amazing family, had an awesome childhood, travelled a fair bit (but still not enough), have a few true friends, found true love, doing the job I always wanted to do etc. I mean what else could I ask for? Yet I spend way too much energy on planning for my future and not enough on living the NOW, I worry too much about things that will not even matter tomorrow, I keep on adding new goals I want to achieve and the list goes on. I think sometimes it’s important to stop for a minute (or more), re-visit our priorities and take the time to enjoy what we have rather than to keep on running this never-ending ‘race’. This isn’t how life is meant to be lived.

The one question I always ask myself whenever I’m having this type of life-crisis is this: “When I’ll be on my death bed, what will I look back on that will make me smile for what could be the last time?”…Those are the only things that truely matter!

I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Being gay-friendly today for a better tomorrow


I’m not an activist. There are things I strongly (or maybe not strongly enough) believe in but not to the point of marching down the streets raising a protest board. I look up to all those passionate people who devote their time to fight for important causes though, I really do. I just don’t have it in me.

“Being gay-friendly today for a better tomorrow” is one of the things I strongly believe in and I think it’s very often overlooked. You hear and read a lot about eradicating poverty, ending wars, protecting the environment, ending racism, stopping animal cruelty etc. in the hope of creating a better world. How about we all try to better ourselves by becoming more accepting and tolerant of (sexual) diversity?

I live very closely with homosexuality everyday and it is a topic that I hold close to my heart. Society has come a long way in terms of acknowledging and accepting homosexuals but we still have a very long way to go before homosexuals are able to freely live their sexuality without being classified as ‘not normal’ or sometimes as second-class citizens who don’t have the same rights as the ‘normal’ people. I will not go into legal issues and religious beliefs here because I want to get a bit more personal with this topic.

We all want a better tomorrow. If it’s not for ourselves, we want it for our children, our grandchildren and our generation to come. Thanks to the level of support there is nowadays for homosexuals, more and more people find the inner strength to come out of the closet– to their friends, to their family and sometimes to strangers. I can only imagine the courage homosexuals must have to strip naked as such to their loved ones… The fear to disappoint, fear of being hurt and rejected. Just for the courage itself, to be as honest and be willing to put themselves in such a vulnerable position, is enough to give them a gold star…and a big hug!

I don’t know what it’s like to be gay. All I know is that they don’t have it easy as they are constantly fighting a never-ending battle – the struggle to be accepted and to fit in, to be acknowledged as human beings in the first place, the constant judgement etc. Most gay people don’t have that freedom to simply be themselves 24/7. Just an example, making new friends can be daunting for them. At what point do I tell them? Will they treat me any differently? Will we still be friends? My point is, life is more complicated when you’re gay.

I don’t know where you stand when it comes to homosexuality – are you gay-friendly or are you a homophobe? Some of you claim to be ‘gay-friendly’ as long as it doesn’t involve your kids or siblings. That’s not being gay-friendly, at all! Just want to make that point clear. To me, being gay-friendly simply means to accept and respect them for who they are, irrespective of their sexual orientations.

In the midst of all the hardships, homosexuals are like you and me…They can survive public judgement, sexual discrimination and they’ll fight until their last breaths for their rights etc if they have to. But one of the hardest things for them, one thing that can really (slowly) destroy them, is the lack of family support. Like any children (kids or adult children), the worse feeling in the world is to disappoint our parents. We all want to make our parents proud and we all want that emotional security knowing our parents will always be there for us, no matter what. It is probably the only guarantee one can have as far as human relationships are concerned. Yet, some people are deprived of it. Homosexuals who don’t have the support of their parents and family live every single day fearing their parents might ‘shun’ them at any moment.

I don’t know what it’s like to be the mother of a gay child. However I can imagine the shock of parents, the fear for their child’s future (how society will accept/reject them, whether they’ll face discrimination, how they’ll handle relationships etc) Nobody plans on having gay kids, and no parent can be prepared enough for this. It just hits them like a tonne of bricks…the exact same way it hits upon the gay child when he/she realises he/she is an homosexual. Nobody decides to be gay.

I’m sure it’s hard for any parent when he/she finds out his/her child is gay. Some deal with it better than others. Some need more time than others to digest it all. But at the end of the day, I think it’s important to remember that it’s ten times harder for the child. By not accepting your own child the way he/she is, by not giving him/her your unconditional love and support, you’re making it 100 times harder for them to be happy in life. I strongly believe you can go through anything in life as long as you have family support.

If you don’t have kids yet and you’re reading this, ask yourself a question – what if one of my kids is gay? It can happen to any parent, no matter the race, skin colour or religion. Wouldn’t you want a better world for your child. If you’re one of those to ridicule homosexuals, to use the f word as an insult or one who bad mouths homosexuals, what sentiment are you contributing to society’s view of the gay community? Just think that maybe, just maybe, you might be shooting yourself in the foot because your own child or your grand child could be gay and you’ve created, or helped create a world full of hatred for your own generation to come.

Even if homosexuals, everywhere around the world get the same rights as heterosexuals, even if society is fully accepting of the gay community, even if homosexuality wasn’t condemned by church or any other religion, nothing will provide the same happiness to a homosexual than the unconditional love and support of his/her parents and family.


June Favourites


As I mentioned earlier, I buy a lot of ‘crap’, so I figured I would share with you, my favourites for each month. If there’s anything you are interested in but want someone else to try out first, please feel free to drop me a line. I love trying out new stuff so do not hesitate to use me and I’ll do a review of the product with my thoughts and recommendations.

June hasn’t been as ‘fruitful’ as my previous months because I’ve been ‘blindsided’ by expenses coming from absolutely nowhere – don’t we all love those! Anyway, let’s get started with my June Favourites 🙂

Woodwick Triology candle in Gentle Rain
$34.95 for the medium one
Buy here


I love love love this candle! Other than the subtle, non-overpowering nice scent, what’s so special about this candle is that the wick itself is actually made of wood. What happens when you burn wood? Think fireplace…Yes, you get that soothing crackling sound, which is perfect for creating a cosy winter feel. I’ve been burning this candle heaps in the past month and I cannot recommend it enough. And the trilogy candle means you get three different scents in one candle. The Gentle Rain one is made up of dew drops, water garden and agean sea scents.

Smashbox Face Primer Photo Finish
Buy here


I’m not a beauty guru and I don’t know much about make up. But I know all too well that I have very sensitive skin that reacts to everything including make up. While I’d love to hide my imperfections under make up, I have no choice but to limit myself to the strict minimum. The Smashbox Face Primer works great for my sensitive skin. I apply a pea-size quantity over my entire face right before applying my foundation. It has a silicon-like finish that forms a protective coat on your skin so make up doesn’t penetrate your pores ‘type-thing’. So, no break-outs!! It’s also meant to reduce the appearance of fine lines, but I couldn’t tell. I just use it as ‘protection’.

Dermatologica Skin Hydrating Masque
$55 for the 75ml tube
Buy here


Speaking of bad skin, I don’t compromise on any products that go onto my face. Expensive doesn’t mean I won’t get break outs. Trust me, tried and tested. Winter is very aggressive on my skin and hydrating my skin is my number one priority during that time of the year. I use the Dermatologica range for my daily skin care routine and it works really well for me. As I was shopping for a really good moisturiser, I thought I’d stick to Dermatologica and got the skin hydrating mask. I apply the mask twice a week and leave it on for 20 minutes. The feel of the masque is amazing. It’s an icy cold, yet refreshing/hydrating feel.

MAC lipstick in Russian Red
Buy here

mac 3 red

Nothing says glamourous winter like bold red lips. I’ve been searching for the perfect red lipstick to match my skin tone for a long time and I wish I had gone to MAC straight away. MAC has so many variations of red that you’re bound to find one that will suit you. Tip when choosing a red lipstick: go for one that has blue undertones. It’ll make your teeth look whiter. The Russian Red has a classic matte finish.

Kia Rio Reborn in Signal Red

This has been my big splurge of the month (of the whole year actually!) and I’m super excited about my very first car! So excited that I’ve decided to name this little beauty Ariel, after my favourite Disney princess character, Ariel The Little Mermaid (who is a red head). Isn’t she gorge?

That’s it for now. I’d love to hear about your favourites, so please drop me a line 🙂


Money, Money, Money…$$$


I’m a self-confessed uncontrollable spender. I love spending money. “Because when I shop, the world gets better”. Not really, but you get the drill. I have this need to spend money everyday – it doesn’t have to be an expensive purchase, it can be on food, a small gift for someone, flowers for my house, a scented candle, anything. As long as I spend some money, “my world gets better”.

movie quote of the day

While credit cards a.k.a ‘magic cards’ seem to be the perfect ‘cure’ to my ‘small addiction’ – think about it, I could buy anything I want just by swiping this little bad boy!! Ahh heaven! – I’ve made a conscious decision to never, NEVER.EVER own a credit card. Why? Simply put, I’m not mature enough to manage my own finances/spendings. And probably never will be.

Spending money you don’t have (yet) is very dangerous. Especially if you are like me where you just want everything and can’t keep track of where your money goes. I swear sometimes the bank steals my money. Today I have a healthy sum of money in my bank account, and the next day, psssshhh! GONE! And I’m always in the same situation “How the hell did that happen?!” I don’t keep receipts, I buy stuff online and sometimes I forget about my purchases until I receive them, I pretend that I have my budget all worked out but at the end of every month, I always find myself transferring some “SOS Money” from my NetSaver account back into my everyday account. In saying that, I am mindful of price whenever I shop. I just don’t always realise that ‘many $30 things’ quickly add up and before you know it, you’re broke-as and need SOS money.

‘Bills’ is one of my least favourite word. Not because of what it sounds like, but more because of what it means. I can’t stand anywhere near bills. So I put them away, out of my sight and pretend they don’t exist…until I get a late payment notice, which usually incurrs a fee. Don’t worry, I’m not the one who manages bills and finances at home for that very reason. I suck at it.


I met a very interesting Malaysian guy while I was holidaying in Thailand last year. I wish I remembered his name, but anyway, here’s a quick snapshot of what you need to know about him before I tell you the story. He was 57 back then, retired since 53, worked in the financial sector, married, wealthy & spends his retirement travelling the world with his wife. We were on the same day-tour and started chatting. I don’t quite remember how the conversation led to that but we started talking about the importance of managing your finances and how he got to where he is now, i.e retired at 53 and able to afford 4-6 trips a year. His advice was to never go into debts and get better at managing your finances. He never had any loans, never had a mortgage, never owned a credit card, never bought anything on credit. He only spends money he actually has, is very strict with managing his budget and knows the importance of saving. Inspiring right?

I too understand the importance of saving, and believe it or not, I do save. My savings help me sleep at night. If I don’t have that financial safety-net, I get really stressed. And I’m a terrible stress-head. So I need a decent pool of money there for the just-in-case situations. I probably could save a lot more but, my world would become very very sad. It’s all about finding that right balance.

Right now, I’m in my monthly ‘broke-phase’. 2.5 weeks to go until pay day. I die. It is the worse time ever to be broke because of all the awesome mid-year sales happening right now. Just yesterday, all the girls in my office were looking at some amazing shoe sales on the Wittner website (Check it out, up to 65% off Wittner Factory Outlet) and all I could hear were “Ohhh, ahhhh, OMG!!, I love this one, etc”. Do you realise how painful this is ?? Ok, it’s definitely not as hard as it would have been if they were shopping for handbags but still… But this month, I’m determined not to reach out to any ‘SOS money’. So f**k shoes and all the other amazing sales going on at the moment!

buy stuff

I’m going to the bank this weekend to open another type of savings account that I think will help me with my little problem. It’s called the GoalSaver account. How it works, is you put money in that account every month (or whenever you want) and the only way to withdraw money from the GoalSaver is by physically going to a branch. For my lazy butt, that’s perfect because it means I will be less likely to turn to ‘SOS money’ at the end of each month and my savings will remain ‘untouched’ until I can use it towards something I really want later on, like a holiday or a new handbag.

I’ve also decided to take my financial future into my own hands. I will work on setting up a realistic budget for myself, allowing myself a buffer to calm my shopaholic cravings but also focus on putting more money aside every month. I’m making a pledge, today, to sort out my money issues and to never have to use SOS money again unless it’s for a life-threatening emergency. I don’t have unrealistic expectations because let’s face it, I’ll never become good at managing finances, but I believe I can become better than what I am now…Let’s say I can become less-shit at it. I still refuse to look after bills etc at home. Bills & I aren’t, and never will be friends. EVER.


Leaving home for Greener Pastures

greener pastures
I know I said I’d keep my blog “light, fun and superficial’ but just for today, you’ll have to excuse me for straying from my initial statement. I’d really like to touch on the topic of homesickness and the decision to leave your home country in the pursuit of greener pastures.

I can only speak for myself and my own experience so this is by no means a generalisation. I have left home- Mauritius, six years ago to move to Sydney. Thousands of people across the world, make that decision to move to Australia and I can absolutely understand why– Australia is a great country, Sydney is an amazingly beautiful city and above all, Australia is the land of opportunities for many.

However, the journey to become an ‘Aussie’ isn’t a smooth one. In fact, to say the journey is bloody hard would be an understatement.

What hits you first, is the homesickness. I moved to Sydney 6 years ago. SIX. And my homesickness has still not gone away. They are less frequent, I’ll give you that and I have learned throughout the years how to deal with homesickness so I don’t necessarily cry myself to sleep at night. But it’s still a tough one especially on occasions like Christmas, NYE, your birthday, Easter etc. I thought the longer I’d be in Australia, the more I’d get used to it and stop missing my family so much. But that’s a lie I’ve been telling myself in the hope of training my own brain to accept the fact that we’re so far apart now.

There is this widespread misconception from a lot of Mauritians that life in Australia is all rosy. I’m not saying it’s not, all I’m saying is that Mauritians tend to have a skewed view of what life is really like when you’re living and working overseas. There is this assumption that moving overseas means reaching some level of success you wouldn’t have been able to reach if you had chosen to stay in your home country. Now define success? Is it earning more money? Is it accumulating material possessions? Is it just the status of being a ‘little’ Mauritian now living in a big country? How do you define success?

My interpretation of the word ‘success’ has changed dramatically in the last six years. To me success means living your life to its full potential, surrounding yourself with people you love and who love you and be happy. Period. So by my standards, many Mauritians who are still in Mauritius, close to their loved ones, who have a good life with a good job and have an enriching social life with real friends are far more successful than me for example. When I talk/chat to many Mauritians who have left for ‘greener pastures’ they often talk about success relating to how much money they’re making, how they can afford to buy a car now and amass material possessions that they wouldn’t have been able to afford back home. And I fully respect what ‘success’ looks like for them and if they feel they have achieved that in another country, good on them. But they are the only ones to know what’s the price they are paying to get all of that.

With the uptake of social media networks like Facebook, there is a culture of over-sharing; we share where we are, what we’re eating, what we’re doing, our ‘silent’ thoughts etc. But don’t forget that people also choose what to disclose and what NOT to disclose. On Facebook you’ll see all the partying, the beautiful scenery, the brand new car, the house, the shopping, the events, the fancy restaurants, the travel, etc but that’s only one side of the coin.

The other side that you don’t get to see include all the tears as a result of feeling so lonely without your family and closest friends, all the sweat from slaving yourself off at work to make ends meet, when weekends aren’t weekends anymore because you have to work, all the emotional and financial stress of going through the Permanent Residency applications, the struggle to find a job as an international student or as an immigrant, the long commuting hours, the constant tiredness and yet the omnipresent pressure of having to make the move ‘worthwhile’ and be ‘successful’.

I am in a good place right now with a full time job I’m passionate about and I guess I’m all settled as far as my residency in Australia goes, but it hasn’t always been the case. As I mentioned before, I’m only speaking for myself, I know many others have had it a lot harder than me and there are others who were lucky enough to have it much easier. But as far as I’m concerned, there was a time where I had to work 7 days a week for 6 months straight. Monday to Friday I was a full time unpaid intern working for free and during the weekends I had my retail job that helped me pay my rent and get some money for food and transport. It wasn’t easy but I knew I had to give it my all and sacrifice to get into the PR industry. I would have earned a lot more money working full time in my retail job but to me it wasn’t about the money. I was determined to work in the field I’m passionate about whether it was in Sydney or back home. But it was also out of respect for my parents who have sacrificed so much paying all my uni fees for both my undergrad and my postgrad degrees. I had to honour that. If I had chosen to stay in retail after everything they’ve done for me, it meant all their sacrifices would have been for nothing and I would never have been able to live with that.

For a good year, I was working 6 days a week just to get enough money to pay my immigration agent and pay for my visas to be able to legally stay here. I was basically just working and saving most of my pay. It was a massive deal for me because it meant I couldn’t reward myself for working so hard – no splurges, no retail therapy, no pampering, no travel, NOTHING. Altogether to get all my visas sorted, I easily spent over $8,000! I was adamant to pay for it myself and not take more money from my parents as I felt they’d done more than enough for me.

The reason I’ve decided to share my experience is to give Mauritians and others who want to come out here an overall picture of what it’s really like. It’s tough. You need to be patient, be prepared to work the hardest you’ve probably ever worked in your entire life, put aside your ego and have realistic expectations.

“The grass is greener where you water it”. Here you’ll be watering your grass with tears and sweat. But in the end, it’ll be worth it…in a way. Even when you get to that good place, the homesickness will never truly leave you and that’s something you need to consider in your decision process whether to move here or not.

Mauritius is getting worse and worse with the corruption, the bad economy etc but I strongly believe you can still love your country without liking your government. Don’t let the government be the only reason why you want to leave your country because there’s no place like home. While the travel, the experience of living and working overseas, the experience of a new culture etc are all exciting and truly amazing, there’s still no place like home…


My Top 10 Wardrobe Staples


I have a rule whenever I go clothes shopping:no more than $50 per trendy item. I don’t mind splurging on handbags, shoes and jewellery, but for some reason, splurging on clothes, doesn’t sit well with me, especially not on trendy pieces.

What’s a trendy piece? Any piece of clothing that’s the ‘must-have’ of the season or any fad trend, i.e any short-lived fashion trends. E.g the peplum, studs & spikes, fringes, aztec patterns etc. I love all of the aforementioned, don’t get me wrong but I’ll stick to my <$50 per piece rule.

Things I wouldn’t mind spending more on, are my wardrobe staples – those pieces of clothing that are timeless classics or items that I can wear for years. I think you can always vamp up wardrobe staples with accessories, belts, scarves, hats etc and one thing to always keep in mind, is that staples are extremely versatile. Here are my Top 10 wardrobe staples. This post is limited to clothes, I’ll do a separate one for shoes and accessories later.

– Dark jeans

Lauren Conrad Visits The Salon Rachel-Bilson-Flared-Jeans-2

– A tailored blazer

Kristin+Cavallari+Filming+Hills+Brentwood+g0Hgil96D7Xl SB blazer Sophie B Blazer

– (Little) black dress

Kristen+Cavallari+arrives+Jimmy+Kimmel+Live+-EnVAtIjpg4l michele lea 2010 april black Kate Moss

– White tee

jennifer-aniston-white t-shirt eva-longoria-nice-airport-brian-atwood-encanta-sandals Sheryl

– Maxi dress

LC maxi dress J.Alba vanessa-hudgens-4351

– Denim shorts

kristin_cavallarri_denim_short rachel bilson denim shorts selena gomez

– A leather jacket

leather jacket black leather jacket grey leather jacket tan

– Collared white shirt

White collared shirt 2 collared white shirt 1 kourtney-kardashian-102110-4-481x769

– A nice coat

coat blanc red coat Emma Watson arriving at Automat restaurant in Mayfair

– A flattering pencil skirt

01-Naya-Riveras-PaleyFest-Icon-Award-Presentation-Monique-Lhuillier-Spring-2013-Ink-Racer-Pleated-Peplum-Top-and-Printed-Pencil-Skirt pencil skirt KK QVC Fashion Week Show - Arrivals

REVIEW: Zenith Bar & Restaurant – St Kilda, Melbourne


If any of you follow me on Facebook, you probably already know I was in Melbourne for the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. I just got back this morning and I feel like I need another long weekend to recover from the ‘Queen’s party’.

While in Melbourne, I went to Zenith Bar & Restaurant in St Kilda for diner on Saturday night and I have to say, I’ve had the best Seafood Paella I’ve had in my entire life. Now that’s quite a big statement considering Paella is one of my favourite dishes that I’ve tried it in a number of restaurants. As much as I would love to, I’ve never been to Spain so I can’t really compare Zenith’s Paella to a traditional one you’d get in Spain.

We had a table booked for 7pm. We were the first ones in the restaurant but very quickly, more and more tables became occupied and the room was buzzing. The set up has a very cosy feeling to it – it’s quite a small room, with a few round tables, it has a bar and a real fireplace with actual wood burning, which I thought contributed massively to the warm, cosy atmosphere of the restaurant.

Image ImageImage

For entrée we had four slices of bruschetta. I wasn’t a big fan; The bruschettas were very chunky and the grilled cheese on top was quite heavy. So, next time – because there will definitely be a next time! – I’ll give the bruschettas a pass.


Then we ordered the Seafood Paella for two for main. After the bruschetta, we were a bit worried the paella wouldn’t be as yummy as we were expecting. However I am so glad I was proven sooooo wrong. It was a delectable dish, and the portion was very very generous as well. The Seafood Paella (for two) had three giant prawns, three Moreton Bay lobster tails, mushrooms, chorizo, chicken, tomatoes, mussels, calamari, octopus, shallots and rice. Below is a before-after pic, just so you can see how much was left. We were too full to even have dessert – and that my friend, doesn’t happen very often! Three can easily share the paella-for-two.




The service was good but nothing exceptional. Food didn’t take that long to come out, the waitress was nice and helpful and the owner of the restaurant, who by the way is from Chile, came out to say hello to us and asked what we thought of the food.

The bill came up to $110.30 for 4 slices of bruschettas ($14.90), seafood paella for two ($82), 1 glass of white wine ($7.90) and 1 beer ($5.50). 

Would I recommend this restaurant? For the paella, absolutely YES, without any hesitations. If you’re from Melbourne and haven’t been there yet, do yourself a favour and indulge in their infamous paella. The only thing I’d do differently next time is skip entrée, head directly for the paella as main and save some stomach space for dessert.

Zenith Bar & Restaurant: 90 Acland street, St Kilda.


What’s on my Wish List for 2013

wish blow

I would definitely classify myself as more of a handbag and jewellery person. I love shoes but being so tall, shoe-shopping can be a ‘little-too’ frustrating for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love wearing heels but I don’t like them to be too high. Anything less than 8cm works for me! So, I don’t do shoe shopping simply because most of the time beautiful shoes = higher-than-8cm-heels. If I ‘accidentally’ see a pair of shoes that I like, that’s not too high-heeled for me, I’ll get it right away, no questions asked.

However I have a slight obsession for handbags. I have to admit they are, hands down, my one weakness in life. You see, handbags don’t discriminate towards people who are outside the average bracket. Same goes with jewellery. Every girl loves some bling right?!

Without further ado, below is my wish list for 2013. I had to think long and hard about how not to make it a mile long, so I’ve narrowed it down to five of my most sought after goodies! Let’s face it, I might never be able to afford some of them, but hey, a girl can dream!

– Chanel Timeless Classic Jumbo in Lambskin with gold hardware


This handbag has got to be #1 on my list. I have been drooling over it for so long! Anything Chanel is an investment. You’ll always get the price you paid (if not more) back if ever you choose to sell it after a few years. So really, if you want a Chanel handbag, think of it as an ‘investment’ 🙂

Rebecca Minkoff Mini MAC in Sea Glass

Rebecca Minkoff in Sea Glass

I love the versatility of this purse. They come in so many colours, it’s hard to pick just one. The Mini MAC is the perfect size to fit all your essentials – mobile phone, wallet, lip gloss, some tissues, key pouch and a pocket mirror. Plus, it’s so cute!

– Michael Kors boyfriend watch

MK Gold watch

I’ve always worn more silver than gold jewellery. I never used to like gold but it’s been growing on me the past few months. I don’t know what it is. If I have to go for a Gold watch, that’s the one I’d go for. I love some bling on watches and the size is perfect for my tiny wrist – not too big but big enough to make a statement.

Kate Spade bow bracelet

kate spade skinny bow bracelet

I’m a sucker for bows. Nuff said.

YSL Chyc handbag
YSL Chyc handbag in medium

I love the ‘chyc-ness’ of this handbag for an everyday-handbag. It’s not in-your-face but classy and big enough to hold all my crap. By the way this one is the medium size. The Chyc comes in mini, medium and large I think. It comes in several colours as well if this shade of blue isn’t really your thing.

What’s on your wish list?


Hi Everyone!


Hi Everyone,

I’ve decided to start a blog but before I really dive into it, I’d just like to introduce myself, just so you get a gist of what my blog will be about.

I’m a Mauritian (from Mauritius – an island in the Indian Ocean) girl living in Australia. I moved to Sydney in 2007, primarily to pursue my studies in Public Relations. I completed my Master’s degree and I’m now working in PR. As much as I love my job, this is so not what this blog will be about! So, moving on.

In fact, I’m having a lot of trouble putting my finger on what exactly this blog is about. Let’s just say it’s going to be a mish-mash of everything and anything that goes through my mind…while I procrastinate. Just so you know what to expect

• I’m a screen-shopaholic
• I have champagne taste (YES and a beer budget!)
• I have a compulsive need to spend money (I’ve been diagnosed…by my mother and my sisters)
• I go through life crises quite often
• I’m passionate about travel
• I’m a foodie
• I love to indulge in a good dose of foreign culture every now and then

As I’m a fully consenting adult putting myself out there in a digital world full of trolls, I deliberately choose to keep my blog light, superficial and fun. And I just want to put it out there, I totally understand that my blog might not be everyone’s ‘cuppa tea’, so please don’t feel like you’re obliged to leave a negative comment. That sort of negativity is unnecessary.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and looking forward to sharing my life down under with you all!


  • About me

  • Hi Lovelies,

    My name is Caroline and I’m a Mauritian girl living in Sydney since 2007. I’m a lover of all things loyal, honest, positive and happy. Don't forget to subscribe ;) xx
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